Saturday, 7 July 2007

HOT: Lucky Voice Karaoke, 62 Poland Street Soho

Literally hot. Put 10 young professionals into a small leather-couched room with 2 mikes, fake wigs and a tambourine and what do you get - a sweatbox of hysterical fun. Hitherto undiscovered karaoke talents: Brendan knowing all the words to Fresh Prince; Swino soulfully singing Desperado with a cowboy hat (oh the emotion); my ability to rap clearly and articulately; Yalin hitting the high notes; Huy sleazing it up for Genie in a Bottle; Caro and Em aint no hollaback girls; Claudine and Swino habla espanol a la Wyclef and Shakira; Carl being Poison; Tranzie putting their hearts on their sleeves with Total Eclipse of the Heart.

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